Sunday, May 24, 2015

Effective Communication Different Situations

This week I was asked to answer the question of whether I change my communication when I speak with people from different groups and in what ways.  The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The words I choose, the tone, the among and size of my hand gestures and the volume of my voice change. The changes that stand out the most to me is how I speak with my students, versus colleagues in professional setting versus my friends/family versus black people who I don't know or are only acquainted with. When I am in a professional settings my words are filled with more jargon, with proper pronunciation and greater use of less popular words. When I am with a mixed group of black people I tend to change my choice of words and pronunciation in order to fit in.The most relaxed my speech is happens when I am with family and friends. I am most comfortable to be my true self and use the words,tone, and volume that I want. 

Three strategies that I could use to better communicate include interaction appearance theory,self efficacy, and self monitoring. Interaction appearance theory which is about how our perception and understandings about a person change as we spend more time with them. Understanding this theory would help me to relax and know that anyone who is worth spending time with will in time recognize me for who I am regardless of the words I choose to use when I speak with them and therefore I should communicate with the style that is most comfortable to me. Self efficacy is about being able to predict how well I will be able to communicate within a given situation. Generally, I am very good at being able to effectively communicate and therefore have a high and accurate self efficacy. With recognition of this I should not be quite so uneasy with communicating with my superiors about concerns or ideas regarding my work. Self monitoring is a strategy that I have always employed naturally, which is observing the surroundings and others to adjust how I present myself. This helps me adjust my tone,volume and word choice to best suit the situation so that I match the environment and establish my role within it.


  1. I believe that our peers can influence our communication. When I am around my close friends, I tend to use slang, but when I am in a professional environment I tend to talk professionally and more proper than I would with my close friends and family.

  2. I will most definitely take your strategies into consideration, because I need to really work on my nonverbal communication skills. Great post!!

  3. Your strategies are great. They can b applied to both professional and casual situations. Whenever I am in an unfamiliar environment, I am usually the person who does all the talking. It has only been in the last few years that I been a more observant person who picks up on the nonverbal messages that others send. I too will consider your strategies in these situations.
