Saturday, May 30, 2015

Communication Inventory

     This week I had the opportunity to complete three questionnaires designed to evaluate my communication skills in the areas of verbal aggressiveness,listening style and communication anxiety. The same three questionnaires were then completed by two people who know me well a best friend and close coworker. In reviewing my results I was not surprised and score about where I expected to in each area. When I compared my scores to those of others who evaluated me I was happy to see all three of us had the same evaluation. this was definitely comforting to know that I am perceived the way I believe I am and want to be. I did find that my level of anxiety in communicating is not as evident to others. I scored myself as having  higher anxiety than  my peers perceived.

Here are my scores:
Verbal aggressiveness: moderate
Listening styles: people oriented
Communication Anxiety: mild

This week I had the opportunity to really reflect on how I communicate. I often receive compliments from coworkers for my ability to collaborate, be flexible, organized, and communicate with families. So, I had a pretty good idea of how I am perceived within the context of work. While I am happy with my over ratings it did give me pause to think about how I would like to be more assertive at times. Due to some recent events I have wondered if my communication style has hindered me at times as some may see me as an easy target to abuse this and walk over me by burdening me with challenges because they know I'm not likely to become aggressive. I was curious to know how my friend would rate me as we have not been in the situations described in the questionnaire ( mostly meetings and presentations) since we were in high school. I guess what I've learned from this is that my communication style has not changed much since high school. Which is surprising considering the number of experiences I've had that certainly could have significantly changed how I communicate especially those in which I was mistreated. Ultimately I am happy that my self presentation is positive and aligns with how I want to be perceived.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I also think this assignment was cool this week. My scores reflected that I was a public speaker and I was respectful of other's opinions, but I also make mine. I read that you felt that you were not assertive enough and at times, I'm said it to be too assertive. I guess that is what makes us as individuals different.

    Good reading,
    Theressa Le
