Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sharing Web Resources cont...

The National Black Child Institute which is the organization that  am following is relevant to my professional development as it provides resources for me to use with the children and families that work with as well as ones to pass on to them for their own use. The website produced a publication entitled " Being Black is Not a Risk Factor" this article may be controversial but it's goal is to shift the focus of how black children are viewed in this country as being a population that is in need of help an support to one that focuses on the positives in these children's lives and the overall state of black children in the U.S. The website is currently promoting it's 44th annual conference. This conference like many others will require sponsorship,donations and promotions by many businesses and corporations. Without their support the organization's conference would not be nearly as successful meaning that their information and resources would not reach s many families and children. Viewing the website from a different perspective than an educator allowed me to see the importance of business and economists and their roles within early childhood education including funding, and outreach.

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