Saturday, September 20, 2014

An International Look at Childhood Poverty: Namibia (week 3 assignment)

I have learned about Poverty in Namibia. Poverty in Namibia is similar to poverty in other places in the world in that is passed from one generation to the next, can be influenced positively through education of those in poverty and those not in poverty."Poverty has long term impacts on children, especially if poverty starts at an early age or persists over several years. These impacts include a higher risk of low birth weight and child mortality, stunting, and poor education outcomes." (UNICEF,2009) . One of the big take away lessons for me is what poverty includes. It is not just limited to income, poverty also refers to access to basic needs such as water,sanitation and goods. The report that I read found that monies given to Namibian organizations that support children and families in poverty through grants are having a successful impact. These grants have "beneficial effects that go far beyond simply assisting children to grow up in households with more money: it would improve child development,health and mental well-being, education and later also labor market prospects, and these benefits would be shared by a next generation"( UNICEF,2009). Poverty is an issue of cycle. It is caused and perpetuated by cycles that roll through generation after generation. However this report shares the idea that poverty can also be mitigated through cycles. Cycles of education, health, resources passed on from generation to generation. It is important for organizations such as those in Namibia acquire the resources to maintain their work so that they may create a cycle of change in the lives of children and their families living in poverty.


UNICEF( 2009). Child Poverty in Namibia,a child centered analysis of the NHIES 2009/10. Retrieved September 20,2014

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post. How did you decide to report on Namibia? I do not think I ever heard of that country. I like how they have grants that help end poverty. What a great way to end the cycle in a family.
