Saturday, October 25, 2014

International Lessons

      Learning about the international early childhood field has allowed me to widen my concept of the field. Previously I had only thought of the field in terms of my immediate community and country. I also realized that there are opportunities for me and my peers to learn from initiatives abroad and to bring them to to my own community. Finally, the opportunity to communicate with other educators from around the world is not something I considered but would afford me the opportunity to learn of different approaches as well as share my own experiences. A goal I have for the field is to see one culture learning from another and trying out successful approaches. I have heard of many other countries' success stories and wondered why the U.S. doesn't try tout he same approach to combat the same or similar challenges. 


  1. Hi Kara,
    I agree that learning about international early childhood organizations helped to widen our concept of the field. I found it interesting that we have similar issues with our colleagues from around the world! I must admit I was overwhelmed by the level of childhood poverty around the globe. We have a long way to go in making this a better world for our children, however one step at a time...we come closer! Best wishes as you meet and exceed your goals. You have a wonderful gift and the children and families you serve are extremely fortunate!

  2. Kara,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I believe that working with international contacts has helped us gain different knowledge about learning about our field in a different country. Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best in your field.
