Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Note of Thanks to my Collegues

Beginning the process of  working towards my masters degree was nerve wracking to me and doing so online made me wonder how I would interact with my classmates. I have learned in the past that one of my greatest assets in my learning are my classmates with whom I would converse and share and receive clarity on assignments and concepts. With that being said I would like to thank two colleagues in particular.

 I would like to first that Brianna of .I wanted to take the time to thank you for your support thought this course. You have unknowingly been a leader for me. I have looked to your discussion responses and blog post to help me gather my thoughts and better understand the goals of the various assignments. Your work is always well thought out and well written.

My second thanks goes to  Antoinette of Upon learning that we live near each other you reached out to me and offered to get together to complete assignments. You also thought of me when you read an article related to what I want to do with my career and passed it along. You helped to make me feel connected to the humans on the other side of the blogs and posts! Thank you for your concern and support.


  1. I was also skeptical about how I would interact with my classmates because I thrive from personal interaction. I believe sharing our experiences and the encouragement we have given each other through blogs and discussions is telling to the connections that we made.
    Thank you for your support and the role you've played in this course as my colleague. Your words have encouraged me to push harder in this field for the children and for the teachers and future teachers of the world.
    Thank you.

  2. Well written. I agree that Brianna writes scholarly. Brianna and the rest of my colleagues that I have met over the past eight weeks have inspired me to continue what I am doing to finish my Masters degree.
